Belinha was born in Lisbon and currently resides in
the Algarve. She is a self-taught artist who has always had an enormous passion
for art, which was clear to see when I met her, she draws, paints in acrylic,
watercolour and oil and even paints on porcelain as well as on silk and that is
not all, Belinha sculpts and makes beautiful and unique jewellery.
Belinha’s creative spirit is awe-inspiring and her
happy disposition was infectious. Having lived in various European countries,
her artwork reflects her multicultural background and I soon learnt that
Belinha knows an impressive seven languages. Belinha’s work has been exhibited
in Spain, Switzerland, Belgium, Italy, the UK and the United States. “I would like
to exhibit here in Portugal and I plan to exhibit in Albufeira sometime this

“Food for the Soul”
Belinha was kind enough to take me on a tour of all
her artwork, which let me tell you was an incredible amount and they were all
remarkable in their own way. Belinha told The Portugal News that “As a
creator, I think it is important to search within ourselves in order to find
that little something that remains to be discovered in Art. This is exactly
what I did by inventing a mixed technique "Painted Porcelain & Acrylic
on canvas" combining two quite distinct materials which are painted porcelain
with painted canvas. With this technique, I give by this way to porcelain a new
life obtaining, unique, innovative and inimitable paintings.”
The first painting that caught my eye was a futuristic
beauty which was of the odyssey, in which Belinha has given each character made
of porcelain a human characteristic (an eye, a mouth, nose, ear and hair),
these figures are exploring the planet but only with one characteristic with
the message that to explore you need all your senses.

Belinha’s eye to detail is incredible, she even made
the trainers for each character which are made out of small pieces of
porcelain, working with porcelain looked like a challenge only one with
patience and passion could succeed in, Belinha admitted that “to make the
trainers, it is a lot of work, I cannot put all the colours together, I have to
do each individual colour and bake it and then repeat the process.”
Belinha told The Portugal News that “When I draw, I am
in another world and I am almost in a trance and art for me, is crucial and essential
food of the soul. Using vivid colours and creating characters out of porcelain
is my speciality. Initially, you look at my paintings from a distance and you
just see bold colours but if you look closer you will see a whole new world of
animals, and allegorical subjects, in a terrestrial or marine environment, which I
hope people will be touched by.”
Belinha also added that “I enjoy creating something
you have never seen before and is completely different from photographs so my
pursuit is to create abstract art and to avoid exact reproductions.”
Global Context
“My creations are always in relation to a context
which can be either a historical, personal or sentimental event. By presenting
thematic, social, political, moral, environmental, climate issues or energy
resources through my creations, I want to communicate and, above all, provoke
My two favourite paintings from Belinha were one on
Covid-19 which includes Boris Johnson and Donald Trump made out of pieces of
porcelain and living in an illusion, whilst behind them is the virus and a
black hole, Belinha explained that the idea came from hearing Trump say on TV
“I will stop the virus with Bleach”.
The other, which Belinha calls her masterpiece, is of
a bride and groom getting married and taking photos whilst stood on a bombed
street, which was from a TV report on the war in Syria, “it moved me so much
that I created a painting entitled “And life goes on”.

Belinha’s unique style resulted in her being recognised by the Academy “Italia in Arte nel Mondo” in Lecce, Italy where she was awarded on the 3rd of December the prize “International Art Award ‘Menelao’. Belinha told me that “When I received it, I did not quite believe it but I was very happy and “I received the award in the ancient and monumental “Politeama Greco” theatre in Lecce. This famous theatre, made the front page of international newspapers with the "Rodolfo Valentino" Prize awarded from 1973 to 1981 to Hollywood Stars as: Liz Taylor, Richard Burton, Sophia Loren, Anthony Quinn, Liza Minnelli, Charlotte Rampling and Marcello Mastroianni.”

Belinha would be delighted to hear from you if you are
interested in any of her artworks and commissions, which you can do by email
Additionally, if anyone would like any pieces of jewellery, Belinha can make
them in any colour or style you would like. For more information, please visit,
or alternatively, @belinhacreations on Instagram.
Following undertaking her university degree in English with American Literature in the UK, Cristina da Costa Brookes moved back to Portugal to pursue a career in Journalism, where she has worked at The Portugal News for 3 years. Cristina’s passion lies with Arts & Culture as well as sharing all important community-related news.