Spain and Portugal "are countries that relaxed the rules at the borders, in particular with the United Kingdom, long before us", said Attal, in an interview with France Inter, adding that the French government was censored for this. According to Attal, "France has a framework of restrictions on its borders that is one of the strictest in Europe."
Paris requires a quarantine, in some cases under the control of the authorities, of travellers from many countries outside the European Union. Those traveling from the UK must present a certificate of vaccination and a negative test (PCR or antigens), with the unvaccinated being required to have a “overriding reason” for travel and a negative test and on arrival in France another test and a seven-day quarantine. Attal admitted that a new epidemic wave in France at the end of July was “a possibility”, given the expansion of the Delta variant, which is more contagious and whose presence doubles every week, already responsible for 30 percent of new infections.
That hypothesis, he said, is particularly credible when you look at what is happening in other European countries, such as the UK, Portugal, Russia or Spain. In France, the incidence of Covid-19 has dropped five days ago and has been rising, according to Spanish news agency Efe. In Spain, the incidence of the disease on 18 June was 96 cases per 100,000 inhabitants and on 2 July, the accumulated incidence over 14 days already exceeded 150 cases per 100,000 inhabitants. As for Portugal, on 18 June the accumulated incidence over 14 days was between 60 and 119.9 cases per 100,000 inhabitants, while on 4 July it was 189.4 cases per 100,000 people.
Jealous of our Sun ?
Blame the smaller nations.
Easy pickings.
By Gustavo from Lisbon on 06 Jul 2021, 13:15
What is a case? There is not many people in Swedish or Portuguese hospitals, many of the so called cases are sniffle, head ache, and in some cases fever a few days, it is normal
I say again when old people who live inside long term care or senior residental buildings without fresh air, no sun, no exercise and many with other illnesses these group of people can die from a small cold or even a stomach infection.
Only way for this flu to pass is when all ages got the flu, younger and older healthy people are sick a few days nothing more. Vaccines against viruses doesnt work or shall the tax payers finance 2 or 3 jabs per year to match the mutations?
Nature is in full control and humans cant make any difference...
By Magnus from Other on 06 Jul 2021, 13:36
Frankly, I agree that maybe we should be maybe a bit more strict. Regardless of the severity of the disease and likelyhood of death from it, it would be great to not taunt it. People's stupidity, apathy and dismissal have caused this general spread in the first place, paying for poor decisions is only natural. Let's just be glad that the worst has passed and the amount of people with realistic expectations and reasonable behavior has increased.
By Gonçalo from Alentejo on 06 Jul 2021, 16:23
Covid-19 is real! The flu is real too! The jab is real too! Not getting the jab can kill you and that's real! Or making you hurt so bad that you want to be a real dead person! Covid-19 is a real nasty bugger! People talk about it's like nothing are not being real people! There are a lot of side effects if you get Covid-19 like double lung surgery, losing your hair, hard to breathe again, heart attacks, and it goes on and on! It will be your worst nightmare! But if you are a person wants to have so much pain and go for it you can do it! The vaccine does work and you want to the government pay for your hospital stay and it attacks all ages and it kills all ages! If you cannot work who's going to pay for your bills the government? Yes the government's going to pay! Just don't listen to stupid people and get the jab! Are you going to miss your loved ones! You guys take medicine for different things and get jab when you need them! So you need a jab for the Covid-19 and stop playing around! The Portugal should not be blamed because there are tons of people in this world don't believe in the jab! If everybody got the jab this virus would be done! I got the jabs and I'm done with it the virus! If I have to get a another jab or a booster jab I'm okay with it! But if I got everybody in the world the jabs I wouldn't need any more jabs! Maybe? Maybe not????
By Mark Curtis Neuhaus from USA on 06 Jul 2021, 21:06
Blame it on Portugal not on Merkel and Macron’s importation of filthy sandngrs or the Chinese. The virus came from China. The Delta Variant is a side effect of the vaccines. Wake up white people!
By Daco from Algarve on 07 Jul 2021, 07:00
My friend Magnus, I encourage you to research the answer this question of yours of "what is a case", because - and don't take this the wrong way - your comment just showed how much you're unaware of, and how much more you can still learn 2 years into this pandemic.
You're speaking of sniffles, bit seems like you're only accounting for survivors. This is literally called the survivor bias. My grandma died in a home, and undoutebly thanks to someone thinking like you along the way.
The "sniffles" are what you see, permanent physical damage and death are two other consequences. Go read a bit about it, not just on your Facebook - you can find with a bit of searching a reliable scientific article with language accessible to laypeople. But the first step is recognizing you're one.
"Nature is in full control" - does this expressions of yours mean you'll stand still if you see a tornado headed your way? Or will you do what you can to save yours and *other people's lives?* Why not do the same here?
By João from Porto on 07 Jul 2021, 08:37
@Gustavo from Lisbon :
Yes, we are soo great, they're all jealous and out to get us.
Ot maybe they're blaming us because "we" relaxed too much, or better yet - didn't take it seriously enough in the same place.
I blame "us" too.
By João from Porto on 07 Jul 2021, 08:40
Hey Daco, now your true colors come out, or should I say color. It's funny how the virus has more endearing qualities than you. It's not colorblind, bigoted, or ignorant. It appreciates everyone and every culture. I therefore have respect for the virus, but definitely not you.
By William from Other on 07 Jul 2021, 10:04
João, please if the wuhan flu was a real pandemic we would have seen a have huge % of deaths in all age groups, this is not a pandemic. The black death the plaque from medieval times and Spanish flu these viruses was real pandemics. Comparing weather phenomenas like tornados with flu viruses is not possible, a weather situation can be avoided or managed because the weather can be seen, but it is impossible regardless of any measures like travel bans or lockdowns or opening hours of shops to stop or prevent invisible viruses, if the masks which can not filter any viruses would do the miracle work, why was masks not used for bird flu which also is a corona based virus, and what about yellow fever, hepatit a and b, TBC, and other illnesses and not forget season flu.
This flu would have passed by in a few months if none of the draconian measures would have been imposed, lockdowns, wearing of masks and hand alkohol prolong this absurd situation and create many more mutations.
I say again please visit Swedens SCB Statistical Central Bureau and download pdf files from year 1999 to 2020, these files is state official documents, there was no significant difference regarding annual mortality in Sweden in year 2020 compared with for example 2002. And we also have more then 1 million more people living in Sweden in 2020 compared with 2002.
Senior citizens 75 years or older living their lifes in senior homes, or in long term care facilitys when an older person with weak immune system get even a small cold in combination with other health issues people can die faster inside isolated locations.
We can not continue restrict or shut down peopled lifes, economy and normal human social behaviours for any illness, I stand by my previous comment nature is in full control, we can all die any moment from stroke, brain seizure, unknown illnesses, viruses, accidents, and terrorism are now a new normal in Europe, but are we isolating and stay in bed because of all these potential reasons for death?
Patrick Henry said: give me liberty or give me death, and he was refering to what is life without freedom? Say that the vaccines work you can take the jabs then you are as protected as possible, I am not taking the vaccine and what risk is this for you, you are double jabbed. Same with masks if you want to wear mask you are protected at least in your mind but what risk is it for you if the other person on the train choose not to wear mask?
In Sweden this wuhan flu is like season flu and we have no mandatory mask wearing and Sweden have a much better situation then in Portugal because the masks prolong infection, black mold grow inside the masks and people get sick from other bacterias.
By Magnus from Other on 07 Jul 2021, 12:24
João, do you have Yellow Fever vaccine? This illness is much more dangerous then Covid 19 and mosquitos is the main source of infection, Portugal have a luch warmer climate then in the past and zika and malaria is now established in Portugal, are the health bureaucrats promoting vaccination against TBC, Yellow fever and Polio?
Polio, TBC was eradicated in Europe but are now once more here via migration from middle east and Afghanistan, what is amazing is that the autocrats in almost all of Europes governments push for covid 19 passports but migrants arrive without any mandatory testing for much worse illnesses, there are a lot of details with Covid 19 that should make people wake up.
BREAKING NEWS! Lambda virus is now here in Europe the delta virus is now history,a new variant arrived, Lambda was discovered in decembef but not revealed until today, does this make sense?
Do you not see a pattern here? When more people day no to vaccines against this flu new variants arrive and new lockdowns is imposed.
By Magnus from Other on 07 Jul 2021, 14:15
Corona viruses also exist in the soil and sand, when digging in a garden we are exposed to many viruses and bacteria, not to forget TBE which is spread by the insect TICK in Swedish fästing. Vaccines for TBE exist but the TBE vaccines doesnt work against the deadly infection called Borrelia which is spread by ticks. Infection by this insect can go undetected for years and cause sudden death or stroke or paralysis of the body.
My point here is that personal responsibility must be the main measure against all illnesses, if we visit grass areas or hike in the wild forests or work or care for animals we must check our arms, legs and feet and hair for ticks.
What is very crazy is how European NHS systems since march 2020 only focuse on a flu strain of virus with low mortality, why not invest some resources against other illnesses cancer screenings past year been almost non existent, how many lifes was lost by NHs in Portugal, Sweden, UK 2020 and 2021 because NHS services closed down and focused all resources to covid 19? I want to see the governments release mortality statistics for cancer, heart and strokes past year, I am convinced it is horrible data now being swept under the rug ...
By Magnus from Other on 07 Jul 2021, 14:30
Magnus, we're supposed to care how they do it in Sweden are a Swedish real estate agent trying to sell property in Sweden, but you haven't seen the massive influx of people you thought you would. No? Maybe you're in the medical profession, but haven't gotten the recognition you think you deserve. You sure are good at writing essays. Or, maybe you're an anarchist pretending to be Magnus from Sweden pretending to be concerned with people, but you're really just trying to stir up the commoners against all authority. Don't get me wrong, I'm half Swedish and boy could my grandmother put together a smorgasbord! Fortunately my local grocery store makes their own gravlax. I don't have to go to Ikea. Now suppose I go for my weekly binge of gravlax, but I'm not wearing a mask. Guess what? They're not letting me in! Then the police show up and they want to issue a fine. I tell them, "in Sweden I wouldn't have to wear a mask." What would they say? I bet you can figure it out...they would say, "This is not Sweden." Then my wife calls and asks, "what's taking so long?" I tell her and my Portuguese wife would have to up her medication so she doesn't kill me when I finally get home. Then in court, because I'm fighting the fine of course, I present pdf files from Sweden to the judge. Do you know what he/she would say? C'mon, you know..."This is not Sweden." So you see, how it's done in Sweden, only matters to the police and the courts of Sweden. Perhaps you meant well, but you cost me time off from work, paying a hefty fine, and now I have a police record. AND, my wife is still pissed! I would have been better off hanging out with a down to earth guy like Joao from Porto sharing a Superbock! Physical distancing of course. Don't bother writing an essay, and forget the homework assignment. Time for fika.
By William from Other on 07 Jul 2021, 20:23
Portugal should close the border to the UK, India, Pakistan, South Asia, China, and South Africa. Those Countries are VIRUS BREATHING DRAGONS ????????. China alone has been the sick man of Asia for decades because of what they eat. Like the old saying, you are what you eat. Portugal should bring tourists that are full vaccinated, to keep out COVID 19. By Tony, from Canada
By Tony from Other on 07 Jul 2021, 20:25
William, om du är half Swedish då kan vi ta diskussionen på Svenska, visa mig en obduktions rapport som styrker ett dödsfall av ett nytt corona virus, jag har ännu inte sätt ett enda medicinskt bevis från någon myndighet som bevisar förekomsten av sars 2 viruset.
Tegnell och gänget har med start i mars 2020 använt termen "död med covid" för någon vecka sedan pratade jag med förste vaktmästaren ansvarig för en kyrka och 2 kyrkogårdar på en mindre Svensk ort, vaktmästaren berättade att det varit färre dödsfall i kommunen det senaste året, enligt honom är det inte alls som SVT, Löfven, Hallengren, Ygeman och deras lakejer på folkhälsomyndigheten hjärntvättat befolkningen med under 1,5 år.
Jag har följt på plats i flera länder vansinnet, det som pågår är ren ondska och fortsätter det skulle jag inte bli förvånad att ett större krig bryter ut, Jugoslavien föll samman när folkgrupper och religioner på balkan blev separerade från varandra, social sammanhållning kollapsade. Nu vill Costa, Macron, Merkel m.fl införa medicinsk apartheid där människor ska delas upp efter vaccinationer, inser du inte hur vansinnigt detta är?
Jag har äldre anhöriga som inte accepterar experimentella vaccin min mamma är 79 år och tar inte mRNA kemikalierna, dessa droger är inte traditionella vaccin som t ex mot gula febern, mRNA vaccinerna visar nu att stora mängder spikproteiner samlas i levern, hjärtat, lungorna samt i reproduktiva organen på män och kvinnor, det är mRNA vaccinerna som orsakar blodpropparna.
Jag har ställt frågan inte bara i kommentarsfält men även via e-post till ansvariga politiker och tjänstemän, vart har säsongsinfluensan 2020 tagit vägen? och varför är äldre personer som fick vaccin mot säsongsinfluensan 2019 och 2020 uppenbarligen mer skyddade än andra mot det som kallas för covid 19?
Personer som har tagit bland andra vaccin mot gula febern och hepatit a och b ser också ut som att dom klarat sig bättre från wuhan influensan, det är inte många äldre personer som tagit gula febern vaccinet i Sverige, hur som helst så är alla drakoniska åtgärder i utvalda länder inte normala.
Australien, Canada, UK, Tyskland, Portugal, Jordanien, Libanon, Frankrike, Danmark är på top 10 listan över länder som blivit mer eller mindre diktatoriska sedan covid 19 bedrägeriet påbörjades. En man i Kanada drack en kopp kaffe utomhus på en tom gata och blev nedslagen av polis som utfärdar böter på 50.000 SEK, sånt hör inte hemma i en demokrati.
Varför var inte covid 19 farligt när MSB direktören Eliasson åkte till Gran Canaria mitt under den så kallade pandemin, och vi vet ju vad han gjorde där...
Morgan Johansson julhandlade i full trängsel. Att folk inte ser hur falskt alltihopa här...
Vem vill köpa fastigheter i Sverige med alla skatter och byråkrati där strandskyddsregler som blir mer drakoniska för varje år och som gör det omöjligt att bygga nya hus för vanligt folk?
Miljöpartiet vill ju dessutom krossa skogsägandet....
By Magnus from Other on 07 Jul 2021, 21:39
William, read the SCB annual reports - it is crystal clear no more people died in 2020 all of this is the worst scam ever, there is no more deaths in any European country compared with a normal season flu year.
By Magnus from Other on 07 Jul 2021, 22:13
Tony, China is behind a lot of bad stuff, but we live in a world where it is impossible to close borders to contain a virus, we are dependent on product transports every day, and sadly the old European and American industrys are closed down and China dominate production.
it was also wrong to surrender Hong Kong back to the communists, a very bad decision. Hong Kong should have remained British, we see now what is going on there.
It is madness to experiment and dna manipulate viruses, read Stephen Kings book and watch the TV film based on his book THE STAND it is creepy stuff what the chinese is doing at the Wuhan Institute of Virology.
By Magnus from Other on 07 Jul 2021, 22:25
As expected....
By William from Other on 08 Jul 2021, 09:53