According to the statement of the Council of Ministers, the executive approved “extraordinary and exceptional support to the sector of public road passenger transport, to be supported by the Environmental Fund, with a view to mitigating the effects of the increase in fuel prices”.
The support, which had already been announced by the Minister of the Environment, João Pedro Matos Fernandes, “covers vehicles licensed by the Institute of Mobility and Transport (IMT) for public road transport of passengers – taxis and buses –, being paid in advance until the end of 2021”.
The amount “corresponds to a value of 10 cents/litre, supporting 190 euros for each licensed taxi (assuming consumption of 380 liters per month) and 1,050 euros for each heavy public passenger transport vehicle (assuming consumption of 2,100 liters of fuel per month)”, the statement reads.
The Government also indicated that “the reference period for this support corresponds to 1 November 2021 to 31 March 2022, estimating that the maximum global value of this measure is up to 14.5 million euros”.
To be entitled to these amounts, "vehicle operators must, by November 30, 2021, fill out the form available on the 'Website' of the Environmental Fund, submitting the necessary documentation for the operation of the support".
"What is foreseen for buses and taxis is a discount identical to that for individuals, 10 cents per liter, but with very different limits", detailed Matos Fernandes, on October 22, indicating that "for individuals, they are 50 liters per month, for taxis it will be 380 liters per month and for buses 2,100 liters per month."