It was enchanting and a great time.

The musical director Rob Does gave the singers so much energy and trust that they were relaxed and focused all at the same time and all harmoniously blending.

The Bella Acapella Barbershop Chorus, the only one in Portugal, is an international mixed Barbershop chorus of about 30 singers.

Throughout the years, since 2008, they have been dedicated to the joy of singing together in harmony. Thanks to lots of work and preparation, lots of enthusiasm and fun, the outcomes are more and more astonishing!

Bella Acapella is now entering its Summer Break and will come back to rehearsals on the 31st of August.

- At this time, come on and feel the atmosphere, listen to our music and see if it works for you on Wednesdays at 7:30pm at the Re-Criativa Association, Rua da Républica, 14, in Olhão.

- Have a look and an ear at our website : and our Facebook page :

- Contact us at