“Lula on track for stunning political comeback,” said
one paper. “Olé, olé, olé! Lula voters sing for a heroic comeback to banish
Bolsonaro,” said another. Speculation was rife that Lula would win more than
50% in the first round of voting, avoiding the need for a runoff vote between
the two leading candidates on 30 October.
But the polls were wrong. Lula got a respectable 48% of the vote, but he was
only five points ahead of Bolsonaro at 43%, and in Brazilian politics the
candidates in the lead often fall behind in the second round. The long
anticipated global decline and fall of the hard-right populist movement has
been at least postponed.
This is particularly relevant to the United States, where Donald Trump
constantly praises Bolsonaro as ‘Tropical Trump’. Lula is to the left of Joe
Biden, but both men are ageing stalwarts of the centre-left who have made
political comebacks but already feel a little bit like yesterday’s news.
What has already happened in this first-round presidential election in Brazil
is a triumph of the hard right in the simultaneous Congressional elections that
would make another Lula presidency very difficult. Joe Biden may face similar
difficulties after next month’s US mid-term Congressional elections, if polling
predictions are right..
Both men have essentially promised a return to the sensible, moderate
centre-left politics of yore, and that doesn’t seem to be setting hearts aflame
in either country. To be fair, however, Lula bears an additional handicap: a
criminal conviction.
I spent a whole day with Lula long ago in São Paulo’s car-making suburb of São
Bernardo do Campo, when he was genuinely a horny-handed son of toil and a trade
union organiser. He certainly seemed to be an honest man then, even a poor man,
but he was freed from jail only last year after serving part of a twelve-year
sentence for corruption in office.
It wasn’t a lot of money and the charges may have been trumped up: the judge
who brought them and sent Lula to jail, Sergio Moro, was later given a post in
Bolsonaro’s government as justice minister. On the other hand, Lula was not
exonerated last year; he was released because of procedural irregularities in
the case. He could even face trial again.
So there is no clear evidence that the populist wave is subsiding. Bolsonaro
could get a second term, Trump could come back in the United States, Modi is
not losing his grip in India. Orbán won a landslide re-election victory in
Hungary last month, a hard-right coalition won last month’s election in Italy,
Boris Johnson might even make a comeback in the UK.
The driving force in this populist wave is a thinly disguised alliance between
a very rich elite and the resentful, downwardly-mobile parts of the old middle
and working classes. The emotional cement that holds it together involves a
strong dose of extreme religion, deep social conservatism (e.g. homophobia),
ultra-nationalism, and anti-immigrant sentiment.
Not every element is present in every country. Religion is not a big part of
populism in England; immigration is not a major issue in Brazil or India. But
fear and scapegoating of minorities is almost universal, and an abundance of
lies and endless ‘culture war’ distractions serve to paper over the cracks in
this cynical alliance of opposites.
Populism will be with us for some time yet, and it may even spread a bit.
Turkey’s President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan may cover the rest of the distance to
full populism as the country’s economic problems worsen, and France might have
gone full populist last year if the French hard-right parties had managed to
cooperate. But that’s only half the story.
The other side is parties of the democratic left that are winning power in
almost all the rest of Latin America – Alberto Fernández in Argentina (2019),
Luis Arce in Bolivia (2020), Pedro Castillo in Peru and Gabriel Boric in Chile
(2021), Xiomara Castro in Honduras (2022), and most recently Gustavo Petro in
It’s also noteworthy that only three of the European Union’s 27 members
currently have populist governments: Italy, Poland and Hungary. Moreover, the
new Italian coalition may not last long, and Poland’s populism is for domestic
affairs only: Polish populists are not admirers of Vladimir Putin.
In Asia and Africa, the populist formula has not been deployed in politics at
all except in India. As a recently refurbished political technique it is having
some successes, but every new political technique loses its freshness after a
And neither Lula nor Biden has lost their next elections yet.
Gwynne Dyer is an independent journalist whose articles are published in 45 countries.