Lígia Rafael e Fernando Martins will be introducing us to the museum town of Mértola in southern Alentejo which lies on the Guadiana River. From the 1970’s onwards, heritage valuation has been seen as a driver of the development of small villages, where the local museum becomes a main tourist attraction. This has always been the biggest challenge in Mértola, to transform a rural village in south Alentejo into a centre of attraction, as a way of stabilising the local population and inviting tourists.

Thus began a new stage in the development of Mértola, not as prestigious as its previous role in history as an important trading post and important river port with its connection to the Mediterranean Sea, but one full of knowledge about the roots of the territory and its potential. The core aim of this new stage of development has been to raise awareness regarding the importance of the archaeological, historical and natural heritage of Mértola with the involvement of local agencies and the population. Mértola Museum Town is a benchmark project regarding investigations and heritage valuation, having an innovative way of disclosing and disseminating results and knowledge.

Lígia Rafael is the Coordinator of the Museum of Mértola-Claudia Torres. She has a degree in History and Cultural Heritage, a Masters in Museology and is a PhD student at the University of Évora. One of Lígia’s specialisms is in the conservation and restoration of archaeological materials, particularly in the research of metals and glass from the Islamic period in the collection of the Mértola Museum.
Fernando Martins has a degree in Tourism and works at the Museum of Mértola-Claudia Torres where he is responsible for the attendance, reception and guided tours of visitors & tourists.

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Press release by Jane Robertson