Glasses for Children Project
Along with our usual work, this year, the Algarve Network for Families in Need has, concerned itself with the issue of sight screening for children and the provision of glasses for children in who need. This concern arose from the requests we were getting for support for the purchase of glasses for children in families who did not have the resources to buy them and subsequent information that many children in the area were not having eye tests. As we know eye tests are extremely important not just for picking up sight deficiencies but to help diagnose other medical problems as well.
Many of us will know that a major way out of poverty is through education; therefore it is essential that children arrive at school equipped to learn and one major aspect of this is being able to see adequately. Consequently, we have endeavoured to raise funds to address this issue and this is what this day is all about.
We invite all of you who can, to come along to our fun day where you can enjoy activities with your families whilst helping us in this very worthy cause.
So, what can you expect?
- a Fun Run - with the emphasis on Fun!
Worried about gaining weight at Christmas? Well, I'm reliably informed that the best thing that you can do is to shed a few lbs/kgs before Christmas and restore the equilibrium after those few calorie-laden days. So there's no better way to do this than to join our fun run - have fun, get some much-needed exercise and raise money all at the same time. It costs 5€ to enter and there will be a liquid prize for the winner. If you can get people to sponsor you all the better. You can sign up for this by contacting the email address, below or enter on the day.
Whilst this event is primarily for adults children are welcome to run but only under the supervision of parents.
- Christmas Carols/Songs
If the fun run sounds like too much energy you will have the opportunity to exercise your vocal chords by joining in our musical treat when we are visited by singers from The Algarveans Theatre Group. You may have seen them in the pantomime and now they have very kindly offered their time to come along and sing for us. What is more likely to evoke the Christmas spirit than those traditional songs that we have sung year after year and never tire of? We are so grateful to The Algarveans for their time and also for the donations which they have made to our tombola. What a great community spirit!

- Face Painting by Zig Zag
The star of the show last year and returning by popular demand is Lara Haylee Costa of ZIG ZAG who will be here to transform the children ( of all ages) into whatever they want to be. Along with face painting Lara will also do temporary tattoos and balloon Modelling so don't miss this - the children will be delighted
- Giant games
Have fun challenging your children to giant games like Connect 4, Jenga or try throwing a ping pong ball into a jar - is it luck, is it skill, guess it depends on who wins haha
- Tombola
And talking about luck don,t miss out on our tombola table where you will have a 1 in 5 chance of winning a prize thanks to all the amazing people in our community who have given so generously.
- The Raffle
Raffle Tickets for this event will be on sale online from 09th December and prizes will range from a hamper, a Christmas cake,(kindly donatedJane Kemp), vouchers for a variety of experiences, wines and chocolates and more.
The raffle will be drawn at 3.45 pm on 16th but don't worry if you're not at the event, if you win we will get your prize to you.
- Santa
And finally, and by no means least the big man himself will be putting in an appearance. Yes, Santa himself, even though this is his busiest time has set aside time to come along and say hello to the children and work out who is going on the 'nice list'
Alongside all this fun and to demonstrate the message we are sending out we will have a very welcome visit from an optomotrist who will be here to carry out eye tests and give information to anyone who has questions to ask.
All this and more will be there for you to enjoy on the day.

Our thanks go to Chantell and Laura for all the work they have put into preparing for this event.
But we still need your help. What can you do?
1. Help on the day
2. Lend us any fold-down tables - we have a few but need more
3. Donate items for our tombola and raffle.
But the biggest help you can give is by coming along and supporting this very worthwhile initiative and I hope to see you there.
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