The Open Day program will take place on April 14, from 9am to 5.30pm, at the Centro de Interpretação da Reserva Natural, in Sapal de Venta Moinhos, municipality of Castro Marim. All activities at this event are free of charge, however, some require registration in advance.
The aim of the Open Day program is to provide a diverse range of activities, such as a walk, a mountain bike ride, bird watching, archery, zumba, and pony rides, among other, for everyone to be able to enjoy the event. The program also includes a Traditional Products Fair, with the best delicacies and crafts from the region, on a day focused on sustainability and the practice of healthy habits, as well as free blood glucose and blood pressure screenings.
The Open Day will also feature groups from the dance schools ABC, ARUTLA and the Conservatório Regional de Vila Real de Santo António (VRSA), and activities by Scout Group No. 60 and Group 1370 of VRSA. The program will end with a concert by the SUGARLAND-Band.
All activities are free, although prior registration is mandatory for the following activities: Bird Watching, the mountain biking tour and the Marcha-Passeio, until April 11, via the link:

The event is organised by the Comissão de Cogestão da Reserva Natural do Sapal do Castro Marim and Vila Real de Santo António (RNSCMVRSA), of which the Cominidade Intermunicipal do Algarve (AMAL) is a member.
For more information on the program please visit:
The Natural Reserve of Castro Marim and Vila Real de Santo António (RNSCMVRSA) is located in the southeast of the Algarve, next to the basin of the Guadiana River, covering an area of 2,307.99 ha. The location encompasses salt marshes, bodies of brackish water, streams which extend across the municipalities of Castro Marim and Vila Real de Santo António, housing a high number of fauna and flora species. This wetland of international importance was the first natural reserve to be created in Portugal, in 1975.