Recently, I had the pleasure of visiting a place with a mission dedicated to a healthy life – Longevity Health and Wellness Hotel in Alvor – and left after only one night and 6 health and wellness treatments with a great feeling of revival. I received profound insights and knowledge of my personal state of health that are even now after some weeks, helping me to improve my quality of life fundamentally.
Entering the lobby, I walked into a clear and spacious hall decorated with elements of nature, immediately noticing the calming atmosphere. With a few out-breaths, I knew I was in the best of hands. Everything was taken care of, and I really mean “care”. Natural scents filled the air helping all of my cells to realise, that this was a place for my well-being and healing. And indeed it was.
Already beforehand when I had gone through their numerous treatments and programs on the website to find out what I needed, the depth of their service impressed me. These days a holistic approach to health and wellbeing is key, with more and more people calling for real health that is built on a foundation of self-empowerment and a broad picture, including not only the physical body but also our emotions, mental state, awareness and energetics. Longevity offers treatments according to all these different levels.
A health-bringing program
My treatments were mainly focused on the physical level and brought me new perspectives on my body. A truly life-changing osteopathy session revealed to me the source of my various pains and tension in my back that I have been struggling with for years, in just a few seconds, as well as them explaining to me how the relevant areas are working together, and providing what I need to know and do to improve my physical structure.
I was stunned as I had expected a much more complex truth about my condition and was relieved about the instantly empowering knowledge I received.
Included in my program also was a Biophysical Evaluation, as I was told, one part of the extensive Longevity Holistic Health Check, that is the base for the personal programs. These provide an in-depth picture of your health condition for yourself, and the doctors and professional facilitators. The data is handed over between the different facilitations being complemented and explained. My evaluation underlined the discoveries from the osteopathy session, and along with the Nutrition & Wellbeing Evaluation painted a clear picture of understanding the disease in my body, and mapped out a clear path for me to follow to align my life to a new state of health.
Besides these sessions, I had an alkaline bath for detoxification and rebalancing through Epsom salt, a relaxing full-body massage and got encapsulated in an illuminating Ozone & Oxygen Therapy Body Session, which is said to have various positive effects on deep tissues, organs and cells. The Spa with different experiences, saunas and heated loungers complemented my whole experience with time to relax even more deeply, and also to integrate and reflect on what I had learned in the sessions.
The essence
Throughout all the health treatments I felt the common aim of the facilitators to provide me with everything I need to know in order to be able to live my life in a better way, according to my personal goals, without depending on permanently going back and forth to sessions, that might keep me in the loop of seeking health, but not actually installing it.
For me, it was a perfect combination of treatments at a beautiful, recharging place – and if this was only a one-night program, I would really want to know what else is possible for my health and well-being at Longevity. Usually, a program starts with a minimum of 5 nights, and you can choose from a broad variety of exceptional treatments and packages. It’s really worth having a look through the programs on their website
In addition
While I was there, a Mindfulness & Beyond retreat was taking place for the second year, facilitated by two former monks who took a small group of attendees on a journey inward.
Besides the personal programs, Longevity offers a really exciting schedule of additional experiences, activities and sessions to choose from during your stay.
The food I had as a vegan was absolutely delicious, natural and on point.
I want to close my review with some keywords that characterise Longevity:
On point clarity, holistic variety, thoughtfulness, empowering support and care.
Longevity is a must visit for anyone who is serious about improving their health holistically.
Sina is a 32 year-old woman from Germany, who moved to Portugal in 2022. She would describe herself as a sensitive human being with a great longing and calling for a better world.