“Despite all efforts to hold this year’s edition, it was not possible, in a timely manner, to gather all the necessary support that would guarantee the quality of the Portugal Fashion event that everyone has become accustomed to. It was a very difficult decision for ANJE [National Association of Young Entrepreneurs]”, reads a statement sent to the media.
On April 9th, the Portugal Fashion organisation announced that the fashion event would take place once a year - instead of the usual two -, starting in July this year, in a new format and with the financial support of the Portugal Tourism Board.
At the time, the director of Portugal Fashion, Mónica Neto, explained that the new national and international strategy for the fashion event would also be the "basis of the candidacy for Portugal 2030", which the National Association of Young Entrepreneurs (Associação Nacional de Jovens Empresários - ANJE) would submit by the end of April.
Now the Portugal Fashion organization says it maintains its intention to hold just one annual event and states that it intends to “concentrate on an edition where the new strategy can be presented with all the conditions to bring all creators and Portuguese fashion the visibility, business opportunities and dignity they aspire to”.
The Portuguese fashion event has been experiencing “some financing difficulties and therefore it was necessary to rethink the form, and some content”, admitted the organisation, highlighting that “all creators and media outlets will be informed in a timely manner with the details of the next edition ”.
In October, ANJE warned that the 53rd edition of Portugal Fashion, which was taking place at that time, could be the last, due to delays in community funds.
Founded by ANJE in 1995, Portugal Fashion is a promotional project for designer fashion, design and the fashion industry in different sectoral areas, permanently representing more than 30 Portuguese designers and brands in the textile industry sector and footwear, providing complementary support, at each edition, to 10 international fashion creators who are looking for a project to develop from Portugal.