We did see changes and turbulence around leaders and public figures as expected with the astrology in July, and the chaos around the 18th when card and bank payments were blocked globally via a Microsoft update glitch, and there was severe disruption at airports worldwide, all outlined and anticipated by the astrology. My videos cover these astrological expectations in much more detail on my YouTube Channel Pam Gregory Official.
As we enter August the energy is a little lighter, with some lovely social astrology coming in with a New Moon in Leo on the 4th. If you have your Sun in Leo or Gemini this is particularly enjoyable. The energy is also very creative and playful, so it is a super time to be with friends and family.
Each month we have a New Moon, and this is a perfect time to plant a new seed for what you want to manifest in our life, so don’t forget to do that on the 4th. Increasingly people are also setting a clear intention for what they want for the Earth and society, for the greater good of all.
The energy starts to become more dynamic around the 12th, building into the Full Moon on the 19th. This is also a SuperMoon which means that the Moon is much closer in its orbit to the Earth, and will appear larger in the sky. It is a highly inventive Full Moon so if you are involved in any creative project this month it will blossom, especially if you start it at the New Moon around the 4th. Whether it is a writing project or something artistic, big and bold, like textiles, ceramics or art, this month is a super time to pursue this.
The Full SuperMoon is in Aquarius on the 19th and will be extremely powerful, especially for developments in the US. The US is very much the focal point of the astrology right now, not only because they are in a very divisive pre-election period but because the chart for the original Signing of the Declaration of Independence on July 4th 1776, 17.10 Philadelphia, is being highly activated. This is essentially the ‘birthchart’ of the US that initiated its current constitutional identity.
Over the next two years the US will go through a complete transformation economically, politically, constitutionally, and even I believe geographically in terms of the States that make up the country. Changes that happen there will also ripple across the rest of the world and affect Europe strongly. This will be in terms of leadership, the make-up of the EU and its currency, and the whole socioeconomic and political structure will start to shift to become more horizontal and less vertical, so societies will start to become more equitable in the coming years.
Revolutionary energy
The Full SuperMoon contains very rebellious and revolutionary energies that will be felt worldwide, as truth about various issues come to light more fully. Issues around freedom, human rights, civil rights and individual sovereignty versus the power of the state become more highlighted. We could see more power outages, internet disruptions of even cyber attacks, so make sure all your data is backed up. Financial systems could be affected and there may well be swings in currency values and precious metals. Aviation could also be affected as it was in mid-July. Dare I say we could hear more about galactic beings coming to light; remember that we are all galactic beings, we are made of stardust. The iron in our blood and the calcium in our bones come from the stars.
In the coming years we will see much more revealed about other galactic beings. Try to anticipate this as a welcoming in of long-lost family.
Fast moving
More than anything with fast-moving and at times disruptive energy, please stay in your heart, stay peaceful, loving and compassionate to others. We are all doing the best we can in these times of massive transition for humanity.
We are actually going through an accelerated period of evolution for humanity which will happen over a very short period of months and years, so you may at times find it hard to sleep, or feel particularly exhausted. Many people are experiencing these symptoms as we are assimilating much more light into our bodies and as we are in the peak of Solar Cycle 25 (we have rolling 11 year sunspot cycles) the Sun is extremely active right now, and so we are also having to digest these new energies too. They are all ingredients for our evolution but coming at such speed it is sometimes hard for us to keep up in our physical bodies.
August is likely to end powerfully, setting us up for an even stronger September.
Know that this is all part of a divine plan, relax, breathe, and most importantly stay peaceful and in your hearts. Many blessings to you all.
Pam Gregory has been involved with astrology for over 45 years, and runs a very busy astrology practice. She has a popular YouTube channel with updates and interviews, is the author of two best-selling books, You Don’t Really Believe in Astrology, Do You? and How to Co-Create using the Secret Language of the Universe. Pam offers several teaching videos available from her website: www.pamgregory.com and also writes a long monthly newsletter.
She is no longer doing client work as she is focused on helping the collective through this huge spiritual transformation. As well as YouTube you’ll find her on Unifyd, MeWe and Facebook with regular astrology updates.’