On Saturday 2nd November they are inviting the public to enjoy refreshments plus a slice of birthday cake as they throw open their doors at 29A Rua Dr Parreira near the Tavira riverfront. Ser Igual Associação, the Lar e Centro de Dia (Altura), Cafap home for young adults, Refúgio Aboim Ascensão (Faro), Associação Uma Porta Amiga school for underprivileged children, Centro Social Santo Estévão Elderly Day Centre and Associação Ancora Day Centre for the Elderly are just a few of the many groups who have received support.
Bedding and clothing for families in need are always in demand. Books are also extremely popular and cost just a few cents.

In addition to monies generated through the sale of second-hand goods, fundraising quizzes under the watchful eye of quizmaster Robbie Hubbard at the Black Anchor Irish Riverside Bar have proved to be a great success. A recent event, generously supported by ‘mine hosts’ Joy and Vinnie Kennedy, raised 750 euros.
The shop is open every Monday, Wednesday, Friday and Saturday from 10.00 to 13.00 hours.