From 12 to 18 December, 2024
In this third week of the Seven Sacred Weeks, we charge mankind, the Earth, and all life on this planet with the Pink Ray of Love, Tolerance and Gratitude.
Beloved Master Paul the Venetian, the Chohan of the Pink Ray, supervises all activities during the Pink Week. His final embodiment was the sixteenth-century Italian painter Paolo Veronese, whose creations are displayed in significant museums worldwide. People under the influence of the Pink Ray tend to be peacemakers and arbitrators.
In the past week, we helped the Ascended Masters clarify the patterns that mankind needs to work on for the next year and the wisdom to achieve these goals. During Pink Week, we will strengthen the energies of Kindness and Gratitude in human consciousness.
The Seven Masters who pour their blessings out in week 3 under the guidance of Paul the Venetian are:
Mother Mary,
Lady Meta,
Lady Quan Yin,
Polaris and Magnus,
Arcturus and Diana,
God Meru,
God Tabor.
On day 15 of the Seven Sacred Weeks, Mother Mary wants to heal our bodies and souls, calming our emotions and aligning our thoughts with the Universal Mind. On day 16, Lady Meta wishes to nourish our consciousness with Her Inexhaustible Love from Venus. On day 17, Beloved Quan Yin aims to help us expand our ability to forgive and forget. On day 18, Polaris and his twin flame, Magnus, will work with the energetic channels and energies flowing throughout our spine. On day 19, Mighty Arcturus and his twin flame, Diana, will pour their Violet Fire upon us, freeing us from undesirable karmic ties. On day 20, God Meru will assist us in balancing the feminine powers within our beings. On day 21, sealing the work of Pink Week, God Tabor will revitalise our physical bodies, charging them with His Flame of Beauty.
Love is the cohesive force that attracts electronic substances around an idea or pattern, bringing it into reality. Therefore, the Pink Week is essential for making our goals a tangible reality in the world.
During the week, we must explore our inner depths and reflect on this year’s experiences: what we didn’t accomplish, how we improved, and what contributions we made to the world. Afterward, we need to carefully write our Karmic Petition - a letter crafted every six months to the Karmic Board, requesting assistance for ourselves and the world. This letter should be simple and addressed to the Keeper of the Scrolls at the Royal Teton Retreat by 15 December. Naturally, you will not send it through traditional mail, but rather through the energy of your intention. You can find a sample of this letter in the booklet of the Seven Sacred Weeks, and I will share it in the daily messages this week on the Seven Sacred Weeks Facebook page.
As always, you are warmly invited to join our daily live meditation at 2pm Portuguese Time.
Lovingly in the Service of the Light,
Morgan Le Fay
1. The Seven Sacred Weeks’ Facebook group:
2. Morgan Le Fay’s Facebook page:
3. Morgan Le Fay’s YouTube channel:
4. The Seven Sacred Weeks’ Instagram:
Morgan Le Fay, a messenger of the Ascended Masters, began her spiritual journey in 1995 during a night vision that provided insights into the mystery of resurrection. 2008, Master Saint Germain contacted her and began teaching her about the I AM Presence. In 2017, under the guidance of the Ascended Masters, she started leading lightworkers during the Seven Sacred Weeks. Since then, she has channeled three books containing information about this Cosmic Activity and dictations from the Ascended Masters. Her books are free for download in her welcoming Facebook group “The Seven Sacred Weeks.”