From 19 to 25 December, 2024
In this fourth week of the Seven Sacred Weeks, we charge mankind, the Earth, and all life on this planet with the White Ray of Purity, Discipline, Resurrection, and Ascension.
Beloved Master Serapis Bey, the Chohan of the White Ray, supervises all activities during the White Week. His retreat is above the Luxor Temple in Egypt, and there the candidates for ascension undergo many initiations. People under the influence of the White Ray tend to develop great artistic talents. The White flame is generally a source of inspiration for many architects and artists.
Last week the week of Love, we expanded the virtues of kindness and gratitude in human consciousness and now, in the White Week, we will seal human consciousness with a Sparkling White Sphere so that humanity does not forget what it needs to do and the path to follow in the coming year.
The Seven Masters who pour their blessings out in week 4 under the guidance of Serapis Bey are:
God Himalaya
God of the Swiss Alps
El Morya
Secret Love Star
Beloved Jesus.
On day 22 of the Seven Sacred Weeks, God Himalaya aims to balance the masculine energy within us. On day 23, the God Of The Swiss Alps wishes to charge our auras with His Cosmic Stillness. On day 24, Master El Morya aims to bless us with His Sacred Fire of Courage and Determination Powers. On day 25, Master Kuthumi, will work on our brain structure, tuning it to the heart wisdom. On day 26, Master Hilarion will pour His Sacred Fire of Truth upon us, so we may perceive the hands of God operating behind the scenes. On Day 27, Christmas Eve, The Secret Love Star will help us resuscitate our inner child. On day 28, concluding White Week on Christmas Day, Master Jesus will ignite the Christ within our hearts.
We frequently feel motivated to take action, but while pursuing our goals, we may be influenced by others’ views and stray from our initial ideas. The White Flame plays a vital role in helping us remain centered on the essence of the divine plan and its flawless progression through our efforts.
Dear readers, if you have made your Karmic Petition, please remember to read it daily before you sleep. This practice brings life to your words and prepares the way for the full manifestation of your requests.
At the center of your heart lies a divine spark that, when nurtured, becomes a beautiful threefold flame expressing three aspects of Divinity: love, wisdom, and power. This flame needs to be fanned so the baby Christ can grow into an active Master operating through you.
On 24 and 25 December, the White Brotherhood offers the activation of the Flame of Love, also known as the Pink Petal of the Threefold Flame. You can find more details about this activation in the Sacred Seven Weeks booklet or in the messages posted in the group. The fundamental practice on these two days is to focus on your heart and visualise a point of Pink Light there. Then, feel that Light expanding and enveloping you in a sparkling sphere of Pink Light and dwell on this visualisation for a few moments. If you do this, you will be immensely blessed. We will perform this activation together during our live meditation.
As always, you are warmly invited to join our daily live meditation at 2pm Portuguese Time.
Lovingly in the Service of the Light,
1. The Seven Sacred Weeks’ Facebook group:
2.Morgan Le Fay’s Facebook page:
3. Morgan Le Fay’s YouTube channel:
4. The Seven Sacred Weeks’ Instagram:
Morgan Le Fay, a messenger of the Ascended Masters, began her spiritual journey in 1995 during a night vision that provided insights into the mystery of resurrection. 2008, Master Saint Germain contacted her and began teaching her about the I AM Presence. In 2017, under the guidance of the Ascended Masters, she started leading lightworkers during the Seven Sacred Weeks. Since then, she has channeled three books containing information about this Cosmic Activity and dictations from the Ascended Masters. Her books are free for download in her welcoming Facebook group “The Seven Sacred Weeks.”