The practice of Dr. Francis Haley, an English dentist based in Cascais, is primarily concerned with promoting the importance of preventive measures.

It is fortunately becoming more common in dental offices to see young adults with no fillings and, as a result of orthodontic treatment, nicely aligned teeth. For those older patients who have already received restorative treatment follow-ups and maintenance are another occasion to reinforce preventive attitudes.

These prophylactic methods, as well as recent technological innovations, have resulted in a growing number of ‘elderly’ patients who retain most, if not all of their teeth and who, when dental problems arise, prefer to treat and maintain their natural dentition whereas previously losing teeth was considered an inevitable part of aging. One other problem is bruxism (excessive grinding habits).

As always prevention is the ideal course of action; good oral hygiene habits combined with routine dental check-ups will minimise problems and permit early, less extensive (and expensive) treatment. Simple and easily learned techniques for cleaning between teeth such as interdental brushing or flossing can dramatically reduce decay and maintain healthy gingiva in these particularly vulnerable areas. For patients who clench or grind their teeth, especially unconsciously while sleeping, a protective night-guard is recommended. Treatments are frequently performed using a loupe or microscope.

For further information, please contact Dr. Francis Haley by calling (+351) 214 863 012 or visit