This brotherhood was founded millions of years ago by Sanat Kumara, a great Cosmic Being who came from Venus to this planet to help humanity.

They are the great adepts or Ascended Masters who, through their personal efforts on the human journey, have purified their souls and risen above human limitations, becoming divine beings who inspire, protect, and guide humanity.

Saint Germain has worked for mankind’s freedom for approximately 70,000 years, choosing re-embodiment to stay connected to Earth while retaining his consciousness. He was a great king in an ancient civilisation in the Sahara Desert, a priest in the Temple of the Violet Flame in Atlantis, the prophet Samuel, the legendary Merlin from Arthurian lore, Joseph, the husband of Mother Mary, Roger Bacon, Christopher Columbus, and in last embodiment, Francis Bacon, who authored works attributed to Shakespeare.

Francis Bacon is believed to have died from respiratory issues. His health was significantly affected by his many experiments, including the preservation and hardening of bodies.

It is said he was buried in St. Michael’s Church in St. Albans, but in the inner spheres, we heard that he was resurrected with the help of His Great Master and other adepts. He then went to live in the Rakoczy Mansion in Transylvania, where he received his last instructions on achieving his ascension.

After his ascension on 1 May, 1684, he again reappeared in Europe as the Comte de Saint Germain, influencing governments to promote harmony. During the French Revolution, if his advice had been accepted and put into practice, much destruction and suffering would have been prevented. He also helped in America’s fight for freedom, including drafting the Declaration of Independence and advising George Washington.

Together with Lady Nada and other Ascended Masters, he brought Light to America by establishing the I AM Activity in the 1930s through the messengers Guy and Edna Ballard. In the 1950s, he also assisted El Morya in obtaining a new dispensation, thereby creating the Bridge to Freedom through the messenger Geraldine Innocente.

Saint Germain’s retreat is the Rakoczy Mansion in Transylvania, with additional focuses on the Etheric City above the Sahara Desert, the Cave of Symbols in the USA, and Mt. Shasta in California. On 1 May, 1954, he became the director for a new 2,000-year period of the Seventh Ray, enhancing the virtues of Freedom, Transmutation Power, Alchemy, and the Activities of the Ceremonial Service.

As the ruler of the Age of Aquarius, he brought us two great blessings: the knowledge of the I AM Presence and the gift of using the Violet Flame.

His teachings are both simple and extremely powerful. By acknowledging and contemplating our I AM Presence, we can achieve our ascension in just 1 to 3 incarnations, a process that would likely require multiple incarnations without this knowledge.

Saint Germain emphasises the vital use of the Violet Flame. Through this Consuming Fire, we can dissolve our karmic accumulations, balance our emotions, purify our character, and quickly rise above human problems. In our upcoming article, we will delve deeper into what the Violet Flame is and how to use it daily to harmonise our world and revitalise our bodies.

Lovingly in the Service of the Light,

Morgan Le Fay


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The I AM Presence represents God’s Supreme Activity in action everywhere. It is the Divine Spark within the human heart and a powerful Cosmic Being that contains all beings and forms within this universe and all multiverses. The Ascended Masters, Cosmic Beings, Angels, and Elohim are pure manifestations of this Supreme Intelligence. You and I are also manifestations of this Intelligence here on our life journey to transform our divine potential into reality. We can achieve this goal by positively using the powerful words “I AM” and by focusing our attention on the Ascended Masters and positive aspects of life.


Credits: Supplied Image; Author: Morgan Le Fay;

The Violet Fire is a current of energy which has been qualified to seize imperfect energy and dissolve it. It breaks down the discordant substance and purifies the causes and cores of this misqualified energy. It restores the purity and perfection of everything that makes up all matter.

By using the Violet Flame daily, we can transmute our negative karma and bring perfect harmony to our world. The Violet Flame has always been known in the Ancient Mystery Schools and it was

introduced to external human consciousness solely by the master Saint Germain in the early 1930’s.


Credits: Supplied Image; Author: Morgan Le Fay;

Saint Germain is the Chohan of the Seventh Ray and the regent of the Age of Aquarius, which began in the 1950’s and will last for two thousand years. Through his dedicated efforts during his incarnations, Saint Germain became a Source of Freedom, Transmutation Power, Purification, and Diplomacy for the Earth and all human beings. Among his incarnations, Saint Germain was Joseph, the father of beloved Jesus; Merlin; Roger Bacon and Francis Bacon. After his Ascension, he returned as the “Wonderman of Europe,” astonishing many nobles at the European Court with his ability to retain youth, alchemical powers, and perfect knowledge of several languages and historical events. In this new age, he gave us the knowledge of the I AM Presence and the gift of the Violet Flame.


Morgan Le Fay, a messenger of the Ascended Masters, began her spiritual journey in 1995 during a night vision that provided insights into the mystery of resurrection. 2008, Master Saint Germain contacted her and began teaching her about the I AM Presence. In 2017, under the guidance of the Ascended Masters, she started leading lightworkers during the Seven Sacred Weeks. Since then, she has channeled three books containing information about this Cosmic Activity and dictations from the Ascended Masters. Her books are free for download in her welcoming Facebook group “The Seven Sacred Weeks.” 

Morgan Le Fay