However, The Portugal News has never taken advantage of this spot to promote itself, so read on if you would like to know more about us as an advertising medium.
The main focus of The Portugal News is to furnish readers with up-to-date news about Portugal, news they wouldn’t normally be able to receive in English. The demand for such information is so high that The Portugal News is now established as the ideal vehicle for advertisers to promote their companies to the majority of English-speaking residents in Portugal.
Because of its lack of bias in reporting events in Portugal, The Portugal News also enjoys a growing readership among Portuguese nationals both here and abroad. Moreover, most English speaking major news organizations rely on our journalists to provide the most accurate and topical information about events and news in Portugal. All adding to the high profile of Portugal’s national newspaper in English, giving endorsement to advertisers by association.
Now in its 38th year, The Portugal News is experienced in recognising both the needs of readers and its advertisers.
The paper contains an interesting mix of community news, feature pages and a lively letters page, while the classified and directory pages provide a quick reference for local and national businesses.
An important and valuable aspect of The Portugal News is its targeted free distribution which stands alongside a growing number of paid outlets, ensuring the best possible exposure for advertisers. Thousands of people pick up their copy at Faro airport, both when they arrive and when heading abroad.
Circulation is officially audited and the exact number of copies printed each week can be found on page 2.
The Portugal News is In print – On air (with KISS FM) – On the Web.
Whatever your advertising budget, we have the power to build your business at a price you can afford, so we suggest you talk to us, the market leaders, and let our specialists help you grow your business.
In January we will launch a new section of the newspaper to give companies with a restricted budget the opportunity to build their business through The Portugal News.
One last thing we would like to mention. Many companies and smaller organisations don’t recognise the fact that advertising is an ‘investment’ in their business. How else will you attract new clients and enquiries? Not everyone will walk past your door. You need to tell everyone what you offer and why they should contact you. Our advertisers will be the first to tell you that an advert in The Portugal News brings them business for the simple reason that it is read by most people. You are reading it now!

For more information, Tel: 282 380 310, or visit: