“If you do not need to change your name, signature, photo, address or contacts, you must pay the ATM reference within the specified period and you will receive the new card at home" announced the Ministry of Justice (MJ), which explains that a letter with the PIN codes and the reference for payment of the renewal will be sent 60 days before the expiration of the validity of the citizen card.
The automatic renewal of the citizen card, which previously required confirmation by SMS message, is now "done spontaneously" with the automatic sending of the PIN letter, "avoiding visits to a service desk to renew and pick up the card", adds the statement.
The MJ stresses that the automatic renewal process for the citizen card "will allow the creation of more in-person attendance slots for citizens, under 25 years old, who have to use this in-person channel to renew their card".
"Upon receipt of the PIN letter and payment of the ATM reference, the citizen card will be sent by post to the address of its holder", clarifies the MJ, noting that for security reasons, it is delivered exclusively to the holder, by means of personal identification, which may be the expired citizen card.
"The citizen who is not at home at the time of delivery must pick up his / her citizen card at a CTT store, indicated in the notice left in the mailbox. If the citizen does not pick up his / her citizen card from the CTT store, it will be sent to the IRN counter indicated in the PIN letter, where you can pick it up after previous scheduling ".
According to the MJ, since September 2020, more than 350,000 citizen cards have been delivered by mail. The success rate of postal delivery is over 94 percent.
How will the delivery service work for citizens living in the United States?
By Joseph Afonso from USA on 08 May 2021, 02:17