I help people to overcome self-sabotage and low self-worth and connect with joy, purpose and meaning. Message me at askamanda@theporrtugalnews.com

Amanda is a Personal Development Coach who helps people to overcome internal issues.
She has programs in self-sabotage, self-love, healthful mind and body and inner-child (trauma informed) healing.

She specialises in addiction and spiritual freedom.

She has recovered from chronic addiction, disordered eating and has overcome trauma.

She is a journalist (MA), historian (BA), amateur theologian, and yogi. She loves wild swimming and thinks life is a glorious bumpy adventure.

She wants to share with people how she overcame living in misery by integrating spiritual principles to live in peace, joy, and servitude.

She believes that spiritual principles are essential for modern lifestyles and wholly compatible with contemporary society.

A rebel and knowledge seeker, she has learned to live-in harmony with all of creation and is still learning.


Amanda has found wonder in using spiritual principles and wisdom truths by applying techniques to overcome practical problems.

Cultivating awareness and responsibility for one’s own development opens a world to self-love and joyful living.

She guides by integrating professional coaching techniques in collaboration with spiritual principles and wisdom truths.

Teaching people who feel stuck to get in line with their purpose and true joy.

Amanda wants to share ideas that challenge the myth that spirituality should look and sound a certain way.

Amanda will share with us how people are using spirituality to navigate the challenges of life in 2022.

Radical Spirit – But Is It Really?

Spiritual life seems almost like a radical choice in current society. Surely, the most effective way to create a better world is through kindness and compassion for yourself and others?

We are all spiritual beings who have come to play the human game. Appearances often suggest that we are not always playing nicely. The game is hard, and we become disillusioned and dissatisfied.

The systems we live under mean we constantly outsource our beliefs to things that have no higher value. We align with false beliefs and search in deserted places for greater meaning and purpose sometimes with alcohol and drugs. Looking externally to make us happy or bring us value is not the key to a happy life.

Everything you want is within you. Everything we seek is in connection to higher consciousness. The greatest news is that we all have equal means to access it. Spirituality returns you to yourself, to community to nature and to higher consciousness. Who doesn’t want more of that in their lives?

Spiritual principles are the best kept secret to living joyfully in the modern world.

But what is spirituality?

A belief system that effects your behaviours and reflects and stimulates your whole life. Spirit and universal energy are higher consciousness. Spirituality is consciousness. It is an awareness. Awareness of self, of others and of the intangible. We are body, mind, spirit and the emotional system. To neglect the spirit is to disregard and discount the magic of life.

There is a spiritual dimension to everything. The way you choose to engage with the Universe impacts how the Universe engages with you. It effects our relationships, career choices, mental, and physical health. It profoundly impacts how you see yourself, everyone, and everything. It is kind of epic!

Faith and religion

Why are we so deterred by God? Organised religion creates varied responses. So, should we just give up? No, we can’t! We do not stop eating food, using fuel, or wearing clothes because there are subsequent consequences. Instead, we seek to find better solutions for the contemporary situation that meets the needs of the planet’s population. Finding better solutions to spirituality is an easier challenge. It can be done both by making institutions better and encouraging personal spirituality.

There is no intention here to undermine Traditional institutions, but to celebrate their Divine teachings. Finding a path that enlightens your life is what matters. All paths are equal. Ultimately, it is a choice that will take you back to truth and love. Through divinity we will remember who we are and what we are. If there was ever a time to practice peace, love, and community it is NOW. Collaboration of wisdom has never been more important.


Consciousness brings a risk that you might need to look at yourself and make changes. The inner quest is not always the easy option and many of us are resistant to change. Personal development often stops when we are comfortable, the quest stops here, and we become stuck or blocked. To return to you, digging deeper is required. When you heal yourself, you support the healing of everything. You create the change needed by becoming the change. It is a winning formula.

Life is a boundless mystery. Know that it is good to ask questions, to be curious and filled with wonder. We do not need to know all the answers. It is not a dictatorship, and it feels like love. Let go of the idea that we need to be perfect, it is a cruel illusion. You are already enough.


Adapting spiritual principles into your life is enriching, majestical and fun. Laughter is such a strong part of it. God has a WONDERFUL sense of humour. Life is your playground and the natural world a house of worship for us all to enjoy freely. The whole natural world is our church or temple. Life is our prayer in expression, the truest miracle.

We can find beauty or excuses in anything. It is merely a perspective. Gratitude, forgiveness, and self-acceptance are the most basic principles that develop freedom from the shackles of the ego. They are all valuable tools in developing a more fulfilling lifestyle. Adapting and growing with spiritual principles changes our paradigm, improving the meaning of life. It is a discovery and expression of the true self.

Developing a spiritual toolkit effects the entire engagement of your life that will generate better relationships, a new perspective and purposeful direction. Typical values like kindness and compassion coupled with principles like forgiveness, surrender and presence are empowering choices that improve mindset, attitudes and transform our lives. Personal development and spirituality are intwined as a successful match.

Next Week I will write about some tips and tricks that can help you with your personal development onto a more joyous and fulfilling live.

Love Amanda