Our lovely hosts are once again Nuno and family at Restaurante Ti Teresa situated on the EN 125 in Vale de Lousas (Alcantarilha), on April 12th at 19.00.
As usual, there is a lovely menu to choose from and in order to confirm your booking for the evening, we require payment and your choice of main dish. The cost is €30.00 per person.
A choice of Vegetable or Tomato Soup
A selection of Petiscos on the tables
Main Course Selection
Bacalhāu à Brás
Grilled Salmon with Vegetables and Boiled Potatoes or Salad and French Fries
Pork Tenderloin in Port Wine Sauce with Vegetables and either Rice or French Fries
Fried Fish Fillets with Sautéed Potatoes and Salad
Roast Duck with orange, Roast Potatoes and Vegetables
Fried Turkey Fillets with a creamy Pepper Sauce and French Fries
Vegetarian Panados with Salad and French Fries
A selection of fresh desserts to choose from on the evening.
Price includes water, soft drinks, beer or wine and coffee. Spirits can be bought individually at the bar.

Payment to be made either by PayPal (Family and Friends option to avoid PP fees please): CCCA@protonmail.com
Or by bank transfer to:
CCCA – Carvoeiro Cat Charity Associação
IBAN: PT50 0036 0256 9910 0062 04965
Please mark payment with reference 'Dinner 2024’
Menu choices are to be sent to elaine.archer@sapo.pt
Thank you and we look forward to seeing you for another fun-filled evening in aid of Carvoeiro Cat Charity