“In August, the PSD showed a drive to lower taxes. We said that very little was at stake. It’s five euros per month for most people with incomes of up to 1,500 euros (…). The PSD's enormous drive to lower taxes is enormous propaganda and not a real desire to change”, said Rui Rocha.
In Porto, in the opening speech of the National Council, the IL leader, who dedicated his speech to the European elections and anti-corruption measures, began by summarising the first days of AD governance.
“These first days bring worrying signs”, he summarised, giving the example of taxes and income.
“The AD assumes that the IRS stopped being a tax on income and became a tax on age. Those over 35 now ask: What harm have we done to the country? This IRS punishes anyone over 35 years of age. It puts the burden of paying taxes on those over 35 years old”, said the president of IL.
Rui Rocha considered that the tax reduction announced by Luís Montenegro is “insufficient and illusory because it incorporates a part that concerns an update of tax brackets due to inflation”.
“This is not reducing taxes. This is the minimum justice that should be imposed in these matters,” he stated.
Let's move some deckchairs around on this Titanic!
By Miche from Algarve on 23 Apr 2024, 13:25