My guide Kumeka recently gave me the 6 best exercises for most people to do this in order of importance!
1. Uncording all past relationships – with Archangel Michael
When you send thoughts to somebody, especially if those thoughts are very emotionally charged, they create an energetic cord. When they are sexually charged, the cord goes into the sacral chakra and blocks it. Furthermore, if a woman has sex with a man (unless he is wearing a condom) she takes in his entire genetic history and has to deal with it through her sacral chakra. I was about to type that this subtly affects all her relationships with men, but Kumeka said ‘NO, this massively affects all her relationships with men.’
When a man has sex with a woman he absorbs any unresolved fears, angers or negative feelings she holds in her sacral chakra.
Only negative energies create cords. You cannot create a cord with true love.
- Visualise yourself, sitting in a circle.
- See a second circle attached to it.
- Invite into this second circle all the people you have had relationships with, especially sexual relationships.
- Sense or see all the cords that come from each of them into you, either into your solar plexus or your sacral chakra.
- Invite Archangel Michael in his deep blue light to stand by you with his huge Sword of Truth.
- Ask him to cut away all the cords with his mighty Sword….and watch him do so.
- His Sword of Truth dissolves the energy of each cord right into the roots.
- See the other circle, moving away, setting everyone in it free.
- A great violet flame comes down over the circle, transmuting any lower energies
- Now see a pure white waterfall of light pouring over you, purifying and cleansing you to a cellular level.
- Picture and sense wonderful soft clear pink light flowing into your sacral chakra.
- State…’I am now ready for a happy, respectful, loving relationship.’
2. Build self-worth with Archangel Uriel
When you ask for something with genuine intention, an archangel will help you. Once a day say, ‘Archangel Uriel please stand by me in your gold and ruby light and activate confidence, self-worth and power with wisdom in me.’
3. You attract or create what you unconsciously believe you deserve – with Archangel Chamuel
You hold deservingness at an inner child level and need to receive this from your parents or their higher selves.
If you incarnate with a belief you don’t deserve, you automatically attract people who treat you badly…and you let them.
1. Close your eyes and see yourself as a child of two or three
2. Let your Mother or mother substitute, say to you. ‘ love you. You are special. You deserve to have a wonderful, rich warm and love filled relationship.’
3. What do you see in her eyes? If you really hear her and see love in her eyes, repeat this again and again.
4. If you see jealousy, anger or any sort of fear, allow yourself to be an adult again.
5. See your mother as a child of two or three. Give her love and tell her she is special and deserves to have a wonderful, rich warm and love filled relationship.’
6. When she accepts this and her heart is open, let her become an adult again and let your inner child receive her love.
7. Repeat this with your father.
8. Archangel Chamuel, angel of love, appears in front of you in beautiful pink light.
9. Let him enfold you in his soft, warm feathery wings.
10. He tells you that you deserve to be loved and respected.
4. Get clear about what you really want -with your guardian angel
This is important.
A. Make a list, focusing only on the positive. The universe does not deal with negative statements. So if you say, ‘I don’t want a controlling partner’, the universe does not compute ‘don’t’ and looks for a controlling one. Decide what qualities you want in a partner, for example, love, respect, kindness, makes you feel good, spiritually compatible, generous, openhearted, strong, responsible, and fun. Someone who lets you be free.
B. Then develop those qualities in yourself for the vibration of those qualities will draw someone with the same frequency to you.
C. What kind of relationship do you want? A deeply committed monogamous true love? A companion? A person to go on holiday with? Something else?
D. Connect with your Guardian Angel and ask for someone with those qualities.
Visualisation to ask your Guardian Angel to bring the perfect partner to you
1. Breathe gold light around you until you are in a golden cocoon.
2. Ask your Guardian Angel to stand in front of you.
3. Tell it you would like a perfect partner with the following qualities. Share the qualities you wish for.
4. Explain the kind of relationship you are looking for.
5. Ask your Guardian Angel to bring you this person for your highest good.
5. Remember your good relationships – with Archangel Mariel
Ask Mariel, the magenta angel in charge of your Soul Star chakra, to heal and clear your soul pathways and bring forward the energy of all your good relationship experiences.
6. Raise the frequency of your sacral chakra– with Archangel Gabriel
The frequency of the entire planet is rising and it is time for partnerships to become less sacral centred, ie based on sex and more heart centred, based on love. Archangel Gabriel will help you bring pure love into your sacral chakra so that all relationships are based on soul connections and much happier. When the sacral is truly loving it glows a beautiful pale pink.
Exercise to raise the frequency of your sacral chakra
Ask Archangel Gabriel to fill your sacral chakra with pink love.
Then breathe pure love into the sacral for a few minutes.
Affirm that you are only interested in a relationship that empowers and enriches you, that enhances your positive qualities and is based on true love.
Diana Cooper’s spiritual journey started 40 years ago with an angelic visitation and she has worked with Angels ever since. She has written 33 books translated into 28 languages.
She has travelled world-wide sharing inspiration from the higher realms and now teaches regular on-line courses. She founded the Diana Cooper School of White Light, a not-for-profit organisation offering spiritual teaching courses throughout the world.