The Association for Protection of Animals Algarve has had a phenomenally excellent year. “Our year really starts from the end of summer right through to July and tails off for a while.” Having new members express interest in furthering their ‘Here to Help’ cause for paws, has been heartening. “We need good solid people who are committed. It doesn’t matter if it’s one day a week or one day a month. It means we have a support group.” There are always newcomers to the Algarve. Looking for something to do. Involvement. Meeting people. Making friends. Or not. “Some of our members enjoy a social life. Others are clearly animal oriented and want to help on a different level.” Good. “Catering for all tastes, I guess.” Jenny and Jackie recently organised an amazing meal for a member who not only paid for the costs but asked their guests to ‘cough up’ they did raising almost 900€ . “A totally private event. Interested? Contact Jenny.
Time marches on. Despite the government and various parties promising to improve ‘Animal Rights’, give more money to those who are doing the important almost impossible work for the abandoned animals. Abused animals. Creatures who are unable to fight for their own cause. “If we continue on this destructive path, we will have lost all we have fought for in the past.” Jenny is more concerned that the ‘top down’ syndrome will filter through. “If the public get the message that it isn’t important to care for feral cats or, abandoned dogs. Allowing their numbers to increase roaming streets unrestricted. Then why should anyone bother?”
The 13€Million, for animal welfare, promised by the government had been withdrawn. But, due to a public outcry has been reinstated with a little extra to 13.7€M. Still not enough!

Reminder! Dinner and Dance Fonta da Pedra 23 November 7.30pm popular ‘Poor Man’s Band’. Menu: Couverts, Beef Stew or Bacalhau com Natas, Vegetarian Pasta dish. desserts, wine, beer water and coffee. 27.50€ members/30€ Non. Book now. 12th December at Recanto dos Mouros lunch! Couverts. Soup. Lamb Stew or Pork in Grape Sauce or Bacalhau Prawns c/natas or Vegetarian Mushroom Risotto. Dessert, coffee, wine, beer, water 27,50€ Members/Non 30€. Carmen Danen will be singing. Ferragudo Car Boot Sale Fair every 2nd Sunday of the month. Next due 8 December starts 8.00 am.
APAA’s charity shops Alvor and Silves. House, garden, patio stuff. Christmas presents. Tote-bags. Bargains, special treats. Don’t miss out on Jenny’s home-made jams, preserves, pickles and marmalades. Jackie’s scrummy short-bread cookies. All the association funds raised for SNiP (Spaying & Neutering Programme) & abandoned animals.
Contact: Help
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