The future ASA of Barrancos “will be installed in the northern area” of the border town, next to the fair and exhibition park, the swimming pools and the municipal stadium, “and will have the capacity to accommodate up to six motorhomes”, the president of the parish council, Idália Pica, told Lusa.

“What motivated us [in this project] was to be able to bring tourists to Barrancos, to develop our commerce and to be able to appreciate our landscape”, explained the mayor.

The creation of ASA in Barrancos represents a total investment of around 216 thousand euros, financed with around 150 thousand euros by Turismo de Portugal, within the scope of the “+Interior Turismo” line, integrated into the Tourism Agenda for the Interior.

The bidding for the contract is expected to be launched later this month and the works will last “three to four months”.

According to the president of the parish council, there are many motorhomes “that tend to be ‘scattered’ across the territory” of the municipality, “without having anywhere to settle”.

This reality led the city hall to acquire, about two years ago, a plot of land to be able to install an ASA there.

“Every weekend there are three or four motorhomes parked in Barrancos, which spend those days there, but without conditions. And what we want is to provide conditions for those who pass through here”, said Idália Pica.

The mayor added that she hopes that, with this infrastructure, “many Portuguese, Spanish and other European tourists will visit the municipality”.

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