The city hall's intention is to prohibit the use of "bikinis, trikinis, swimsuits and similar items, swimming trunks and underwear" on public roads, terraces and establishments overlooking the street, with the fine starting at €300 and reaching up to €1,500. The exceptions are beaches, their parking lots and hotels.

The prohibitions put forward by the local authority also include the consumption of alcoholic beverages in the street, nudity or the exhibition of sexual organs – for which fines vary between 500 and 1,800 euros –, simulation of sexual acts –, sleeping, spitting, urinating or defecating in the street. Nudity or sexual acts in public may be punished with fines of between one thousand and four thousand euros. Other cases may be subject to fines of between 500 and 2,500 euros. Noise in residential areas and abandoning shopping carts on the street are also planned to be penalised.
Ban partial nudity!
Demand FULL nudity!
By Shawn from Lisbon on 13 Feb 2025, 15:29
When a city council has to ban nudity on public streets and transports, it is already in a state of stitches. I don't believe it's the locals doing it.
By Diogo F. from Lisbon on 14 Feb 2025, 13:16
BFD another law not enforced.
Law enforcement was supposed to crack down on excessice noise.
Didn't happen, never will.
Unless it is a drug bust to get their nsmes in the press, they do nothing
By j from Algarve on 14 Feb 2025, 18:44
About time, hate what's been happening to the town.
By Helen from UK on 14 Feb 2025, 21:28