During the debate that lasted for almost four hours, the parties discussed the reasons why the Government should or should not keep functioning.

The former prime minister, Luís Montenegro presented the first speech of the debate, highlighting the work done by the Government. Since the reason behind the political instability relies on a company that was founded by Luís Montenegro, the former prime minister stated that his “professional activity did not affect his political activity” and vice-versa.

During his speech, Luís Montenegro attacked CHEGA for being by the side of the Partido Socialista (PS), during the 11 months of mandate, when it comes to trying to discredit the Government. The former prime minister has also stated that “Portugal cannot stop” and must keep on being the “stable country” that it is currently.

Nevertheless, the speech from Luís Montenegro was not enough for the Parliament to accept the continuity of the work from the Government, elected on 10 March 2024.

By the end of the debate, right before the voting of the Moção de Confiança, the deputy Paulo Núncio (CDS-PP), asked the President of the Assembly of the Republic, José Aguiar Branco to interrupt the works, as it was previously asked by Hugo Soares (PSD) during the debate. After conversations, José Aguiar Branco mentioned that, legally, the request for interruption can only happen right before the voting.

While the works were interrupted, the main parties in the Assembly of the Republic (PS and PSD) were negotiating and PSD presented a proposal, denied by PS. According to Pedro Duarte, Minister of Parliamentary Affairs, PS did not answer to the proposal made by PSD.

After the discourses made by the deputies, the president of the Assembly of the Republic asked the deputies to vote in favour or against the motion of trust presented in the Parliament.

With favourable votes from PSD, CDS-PP and IL; and votes against by PS, CHEGA, BE, LIVRE, PCP and PAN the Parliament decided to dissolve the actual Government.

According to Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa, the decision of the political parties presented in the Parliament may lead to elections to happen between 11 and 18 May.


Deeply in love with music and with a guilty pleasure in criminal cases, Bruno G. Santos decided to study Journalism and Communication, hoping to combine both passions into writing. The journalist is also a passionate traveller who likes to write about other cultures and discover the various hidden gems from Portugal and the world. Press card: 8463. 

Bruno G. Santos