The GNR explains that the operation will continue until Sunday and will focus on the most critical roads, where there is a greater volume of traffic of these vehicles.
The objective of the operation is to guarantee safe conditions in the transportation of people and goods and detect violations, with a view to creating a safer road environment.
The GNR recalls, in a statement, that the inspection of heavy passenger and goods vehicles also plays an essential role in preventing accidents involving this type of vehicle, "which are usually quite serious and have a strong impact on road traffic".
This operation takes place within the scope of the European Traffic Police Network (RoadPol), an organisation that involves traffic police forces in Europe and aims to improve safety and compliance with road regulations. RoadPol has established four priority areas of action in the field of road safety: roads, vehicles, users and speed.
The main purpose of these European-wide operations is to create a safer road environment, "through simultaneous intervention on the main causes of accidents", seeking to influence drivers to adopt safer behaviour.