“The values ​​we have on the table lead us to speak with ERSE [Energy Services Regulatory Authority] and the Competition Authority, following proposals made here in parliament”, said Maria da Graça Carvalho in the Environment and Energy Committee.

The minister was responding to questions from Left Bloc MP Fabian Figueiredo about the increase in the price of gas cylinders in Portugal in recent years to almost double the prices charged in Spain.

“To prevent this from happening, and since our policy is to let the market function, we will meet with ERSE and AdC to see what is happening and [evaluate] price setting,” added the minister.

Maria da Graça Carvalho explained that the next steps consist of analysing the various components that make up the prices of bottled gas, which currently costs, on average, around 30 euros, and the reasons why they are higher than those charged in the neighbouring country.

During the hearing, Maria da Graça Carvalho also announced that the Government will increase support for the Botija Solidária program from 10 euros to 15 euros and redesign the process to be simpler.

With this measure, by increasing support to 15 euros for beneficiaries of the program, the value “is very similar to that practiced in Spain”, he added.

Since the start of the measure, in 2022, until the beginning of January this year, support worth 2,153,280 euros was paid, to a total of 215,328 beneficiaries, according to data from Maria da Graça Carvalho's office, which represents 60% of the amount allocated to the support program.

Although the amount was not fully subscribed, with 1.4 million euros remaining unused, the Minister of Environment and Energy announced last year the renewal of support with an increase of 2.5 million euros for 2025. The launch of this support aimed to mitigate the impact of rising energy prices on family budgets in 2022, following the war in Ukraine, and has been maintained ever since. But, according to Deco, it has fallen short of expectations due to a lack of information and bureaucracy.