The proposal to eliminate this tax increase signed by the PS, was approved without votes against and with Livre abstaining. The proposals presented by the opposition that also aimed to eliminate the IUC increase for older cars were rejected by the PS.
The phased increase in the IUC was one of the OE2024 measures that generated the most controversy and contestation as it foresees an increase in the IUC for these cars, at a rate of 25 euros per year, until they reach the tax for equivalent cars, but registered from July 2007.
The outcome of the measure would eventually be decided when the PS, which has a majority in parliament, announced that the elimination of this measure would be among its proposed amendments to OE2024.
On the occasion, the leader of the PS parliamentary bench, Eurico Brilhante Dias, pointed out that from the beginning, there was always an intention among the majority of deputies in his bench to change the Government's initial proposal on the IUC, as it had caused many citizens a “perception of social injustice”.
Social Justice
Is important!
By Barbara Reed from Other on 28 Nov 2023, 19:17
This volte face, of course, has nothing to do with the fact that PS is now facing unexpected elections due to the PM being caught up (at last) in the investigation of the latest web of corrupt politicians filling their and their friends pockets at the cost of Joe Public. Of course not...
By Tony Henriques from Lisbon on 29 Nov 2023, 10:32