In a statement, the price comparator and marketplace said that the new platform - called Kabaz and which culminates two years of research and development (R&D) - will make it possible to identify the supermarket where a shopping list is cheaper and optimize consumers' savings, if they choose to divide their purchases between supermarkets where prices are lower.
Product prices are updated several times a day, allowing "increased convenience, price transparency and informed decisions", and it is also possible to optimize budget planning by monitoring price trends.
In addition to allowing the comparison of the total basket between supermarkets, analysing the total cost of the basket in each supermarket, Kabaz makes it possible to maximise savings by exchanging similar items.
Prices are available by location, in order to adapt to the local reality of users, and other features will also be introduced in the future, such as a history and a price alert.
According to data provided to the Lusa agency, a simulation of Kabaz, based on a list of 30 supermarket products, "revealed the diversity of prices charged by different hypermarkets", with the total value of this shopping list in the various establishments analysed ranging between 94.12 euros, 98.05 euros, 100.10 euros and 123.15 euros.
"The hypermarket that offers the lowest total price is 24% cheaper than the one that has the highest prices," notes KuantoKusta, noting that the 29 euros difference between the highest and lowest values "clearly demonstrates the significant impact that the price difference can have on household budgets."
If the consumer chooses to shop in different supermarkets, choosing the ones that offer the lowest prices for each product, the total value of this shopping list can still drop to 89.84 euros.
Something that, KuantoKusta emphasises, "also highlights the savings potential that households can achieve by having easier and more transparent access to hypermarket prices."