“As a result of this inspection action, criminal proceedings were instituted for the possession and sale of abnormal, damaged and non-compliant food products, and the situation was reported to the respective Public Prosecutor's Office Services”, describes ASAE in a statement.

The suspension of activity at the food processing establishment was also determined due to the “lack of adequate structural conditions, lack of cleanliness, hygiene and licensing”.

The products “unfit for human consumption” were valued at 3,500 euros.

“During the operation, the presence of meat products stored in an advanced state of deterioration and unfit for human consumption was detected, which resulted in the seizure of 1.2 tons of beef, pork and chicken intended for sale to the end consumer by through social networks”, says ASAE.

After carrying out an expert analysis, it was concluded that the products could not remain in the commercial circuit, “with the majority being sent for destruction, while a portion was redirected for animal consumption”.

The ASAE action was carried out through the North Regional Unit - Barcelos Operational Unit, with the collaboration of the GNR.