“Death by poisoning.” Jenny Clarke, President reports. “I saw the new cat house, in Silves, slowed down, there were two cats sprawled out on the grass. A female GNR officer was on site. She waved me on.” Not a pleasant sight. But more commonplace. “Cats are not a popular subject at the moment. Their population has exploded worldwide. There are answers but the results take time.”
APAA’s SNiP campaign has offered a solution. Sterilisation as soon as the cat is able to be SNiP'ed. Jenny laughs. “The other common terms TNR, Trap, Neuter and Release.” Same result. “It takes, time, patience and money.” Dawn to dusk on some occasions, a break in between for a quick van-load of feral felines to the vet for the SNiP. “People do not like cats or they love them. But not to death please!” Of course, there is the reasonable alternative. “When you get your furry feline friend, please take it to the vet for a check-up, vaccinations, chipping and SNiP appointment.” Of course it all costs. “Sadly, this may be one of the main factors, if not THE main factor.”

Understandably the list for help and assistance for all shelters and organisations who want to help have not necessarily got the funds they require. Even at Government level, there is a shortfall. “We don’t think the problem is really understood. Cats just multiply. Ad infinitum. It is their way. So, we have to stop that cycle and by intervening reduce their unwanted, growing population.” The answer is if you cannot afford a pet DON’T.
“Our friends and associations who deal with this problem every day, are worried, no, concerned that this futile unreasonable way of dealing with feral cats is inhuman. Killing and sometimes maiming cats is not the answer. If there is a problem then the reasonable thing to do, is to encourage the cat to feed, and be friendly, so someone can eventually catch it and take it to the vet. Some vets are willing to help with the costs. If not, contact your local animal charity and see if they can help. They are easily found on the internet. But, sadly not always able to help. “If you are a private owner of a cat or a dog for that matter. A stitch in time can save nine or more lives… Just think. Please!”
First ‘Pop-Up’ 2025 ‘Jolly’ Bar Alvor Nr Campsite. Friday 21/02 11am-2pm. Fi-Line fashions. Gill Goode prints and cards. Jams, pickles, cookies. Goodies for the home and garden. Wet-Suit size 52. Coming up; 10 March Pop-Up ‘O Tasco’ more to follow…