APAA’s president Jenny Clarke, has been scratching her head for ideas. “Apart from the best-selling foodie stuff. We needed something with a bit of oomph for all ages.” Mm. “Tote-bags!”. Right. Amongst the sumptuous array of provenders set out on the various ‘Pop-Up’ shops, stalls and events there is a new addition. “We received over 40 entries to the photograph competition. One for a cat and the other for a dog.”

The Association for Protection of Animals Algarve asked Carlos Filipe, photographer extraordinaire for his professional critical eye to judge the photos. “Upshot of it was, there were four especially good entrants. So we now have two tote bags, one with the two winning canines, the other two felines.” Phew. “Entrants’ fees paid for the original art-work, outlay and production.” The company ‘Staples’ were extremely helpful and accommodating to APAA’s requirements. Jackie (Treasurer and cookie maker), overseeing the artwork with Carlos, ensuring a ‘must-have-tote-bag’ outcome. “They’ll be available for sale at BLiP.” Don’t be disappointed if you miss out! The second batch will be produced hot off the press.
Good news follows good. “We had a wonderful day at the Portimão Câmara” Beams Jenny who along with Zélia Santos APAA’s ‘Cat Woman’ collected a handsome grant for APAA’s work with abandoned animals and almost legendary, hands-on feral Cat-Colonies. “We’re one of several lucky charity recipients, ensuring that our well-stocked funds continue the hard work our teams tirelessly continue to carry out, now and well into the future.” Well done!
APAA’s Stand CA6 at afpop’s BLiP (Better Living in Portugal) Saturday/Sunday 12/13th October. Sat 10-6pm/Sun 10-4pm. Come and chat. ‘Pop-Up’ shop at ‘Jolly’ Bar Alvor Friday 25 October 10.30-2pm Another amazing shopping adventure. Curtains and linen. Also Gill Goode’s arts, cards and prints. With Fiona’s Fi-Line clothing, jewellery and make-up. AND! Weather permitting.
Ferragudo Fair Car Boot Sale Sunday 10th November and 8th December starts at 8.00am! Look out for APAA on Facebook’s monthly group Charity Emporium Auction 11-19th October. https://www.facebook.com/groups/594035701307971 Dinner and Dance Fonta da Pedra 23 November 7.30pm swing with ‘Poor Man’s Band’. Menu: Couverts, Beef Stew or Grilled Dourada, Vegetarian Pasta dish. Puds, wine, beer water and coffee. 27.50€ members/30€ Non. Don’t wait! Book now. TBA. December at Recanto dos Mouros for a wonderful lunch…
Please don’t forget to visit APAA’s Charity shops at Alvor and Silves always welcoming shoppers who bring and buy. Stacked with goodies! Don’t forget all ‘Pop-Up’ Shops, and stalls will have a super yummy array of homemade jams, preserves, chutneys and marmalades and scrummy cookies! AND New tote-bags. All funds raised are for SNiP cat-colonies and abandoned animals.
Contact: Help info.apaaportugal@gmail.com
Cats: zelia.santos@live.co.uk
Events info: events.apaaportugal@gmail.com
BLiP: info@afpop.com