This new mission of the European Border and Coast Guard Agency (Frontex) will feature this Portuguese vessel in the main mission of maritime border surveillance within the scope of Coast Guard functions, in Almeira, Spain.
Under the coordination of Frontex and within the scope of the management of the external borders of the European Union, the speedboat ‘Bojador’ will be deployed between 19 February and 16 April and between 11 June and 6 August, on a mission with the purpose of preventing, detecting and suppressing illicit activities, namely drug, human and arms trafficking, illegal fishing and document forgery, as well as identifying and registering people and facilitators and collecting information on criminal networks.

The operation also includes search and rescue activities and combating maritime pollution, contributing to the safeguarding of human lives at sea.
During this operation, 14 GNR officers will be assigned to each mission, of which 13 will be part of the crew of the boat ‘Bojador’ in the Almería area, Spain, and one as a National Officer in Madrid, Spain.