This competition aims to determine the various students/athletes who will represent the Algarve in the national final phase to be held later (28th and 29th March in Caldas da Rainha – XIX Mega Sprint).

The competition is organised by the Regional Coordination of School Sports with support from Lagoa City Hall.

The tests to take place are: speed race (mega Sprint), endurance race (mega Km), vortex throw (mega vortex throw), precision throw (mega precision throw), shot put, long jump (mega jump) and high jump.

One student of each gender will be classified for the grand finale of school athletics – Mega Sprinter – in the different specialties and categories involved (Children A, Children B, Beginner and Adapted), with the exception of the sprint race (Mega Sprint) where two students of each gender will be classified.

The number of participants is estimated to reach 1,300.