The Energy Services Regulatory Authority (ERSE) has announced that it has approved the pilot project 'New solutions for flexible management of electric vehicle charging power in collective buildings (FlexC)', promoted by E-REDES – Distribuição de Energia, S.A., within the scope of the Commercial Relations Regulation.
"The FlexC pilot project, with an initial duration of six months, aims to test, in a real environment, the possibility of providing greater power for charging electric vehicles in common garages of collective buildings and to assess the level of interest in this new concept, mainly on the part of customers who use electric vehicles and suppliers of charging solutions".
Furthermore, "it aims to respond to some challenges that currently still limit the charging of electric vehicles in condominiums since a large part of them do not have the infrastructure for such charging, which would imply costs in reinforcing connections to the grid".
"On the other hand, there is power available in collective facilities that is not being used or is available at certain times of the day, and that could compete with this FlexC solution to promote home charging and, in this way, be an inducer for reducing barriers to the adoption of electric vehicles by consumers", it is also said.
Charging equipment came with our car and our garage stall backs to our storage space which had a light metered to our condo above, so it was fairly easy for us to have our own charging station. There are now 2 private chargers in our 18 unit garage. Power wasn't an issue, only ensuring other owners weren't sharing the expense. It's made such a difference to not have to drive to a neighboring town to charge several times a week as our town doesn't have a single charging station.
By Dotty Hopkins from Algarve on 26 Feb 2025, 11:31