According to the organisation, this edition, which takes place under the theme CAPITAL, begins, as usual, with “Fast Talks”, with a free entry program focused on the social, cultural and environmental impact of the Fashion industry.
The programme for this edition, designed with the Italian Embassy in Lisbon, as part of Italian Design Day, begins with a workshop, for invited guests only, with the Italian businessman and ‘sustainability activist’ Matteo Ward, continuing with two debate panels and ending with the screening of two episodes of the series “Junk”, “which aims to reflect on the consequences of consumer society”.
On Friday, ModaLisboa moves to the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation's Modern Art Centre (CAM), before settling in Pátio da Galé.
The programme at CAM begins in the educational space with “Diálogos”, which the organisation defines as “intimate conversations between ModaLisboa artists and designers”: Adriana Proganó will be in conversation with Diogo Mestre (Mestre Studio), João Pedro Vale and Nuno Alexandre Ferreira with Marta Gonçalves (Hibu Studio), and Mikhail Karikis with Lidija Kolovrat.
The CAM Studio Room will be the stage for the presentation of the autumn/winter 2025/26 collection, “Second Best”, by Constança Entrudo.
In addition, on Friday, the fashion designer will be doing a ‘takeover’ of the CAM store with archive pieces, pieces from the spring/summer 2025 collection and a special edition of unique fabric samples (from the archive and from the “Second Best” collection).
Activities that take place between 4pm and 6pm are free, with tickets collected on the same day at the CAM box office, two hours before the start of each session.
Also on Friday, ModaLisboa returns to its ‘headquarters’, Pátio da Galé, starting with the final of the Sangue Novo competition, aimed at finalists of higher education courses in Fashion Design from national and international schools and young designers at the beginning of their careers.
The five finalists – Dri Martins, Duarte Jorge, Francisca Nabinho, Gabriel Silva Barros and Ihanny Luquessa – were selected in October, at the 63rd edition of ModaLisboa, and on Friday they will present “the product of their conceptual growth and commercial maturity, developed in the last semester with monitoring and mentoring from the panel of judges”.
On Friday, the collections of Inês Barreto, Mestre Studio and Alves/Gonçalves will also be presented, a show that marks the brand's return to ModaLisboa and the first since the death of fashion designer Manuel Alves.
For the last day of the 64th edition, Sunday, the shows of Nuno Baltazar, Bárbara Anastácio, Arndes, Valentim Quaresma, Duartehajime, Gonçalo Peixoto and Dino Alves are scheduled, in addition to the presentation of Portuguese Soul, under the responsibility of APICCAPS – Portuguese Association of Footwear, Components, Leather Goods and Substitutes Manufacturers.
Between Friday and Sunday, Praça do Comércio will host the artistic installation “The Web that unites us”, promoted by ModaPortugal, the Textile Intelligence Center (CENIT) and the National Association of Clothing and Apparel Industries (ANIVEC).
This installation, “which welcomes the city’s public”, will broadcast live the parades that take place at Pátio da Galé, as well as “content based on values such as the preservation of artisanal techniques, durability, sustainability and technology”.
ModaLisboa is co-organised by the ModaLisboa Association and the Lisbon City Council.