According to the report “As One for Diversity, Equity & Inclusion”, an initiative by Merck, operated by Spirituc, a market research company specialised in the medical field, “it is expected that only in 2052 that men and women will receive the same average monthly salary for functions”.
According to the same study, there are more and more women in senior management, namely on the boards of directors of companies, and the index of gender inequality has been decreasing, but it will “only be in 2063 that a similar number of women and men in executive positions can be expected to take place”.
Expectations for achieving gender equality on boards of directors are, however, more optimistic, with this parity being set for 2033, within 11 years.
In the analysis of the female presence in governments, which has been increasing, the conclusions of the study points to reaching “the ideal scenario of equality around” 2027, in five years.
As for the sharing of parental leave for all men with women, this “ideal scenario”, looking at the indicators of the last decade, will be a reality in 2037.
The same study also states that only in 2045 will the number of male caregivers be equivalent to the number of female caregivers.
The director general of Merck Portugal, Pedro Moura, quoted in a statement, considers that these are data that “should make us reflect on the changes that are still necessary” for true diversity, equality and gender inclusion.
May take another 100 years before Portugal becomes a real European country (without its horrendous cult of poverty and lack of accountability).
By K from Other on 21 Apr 2022, 12:48