Be it a cat, dog, or animal requiring help or rescuing. “Some of these poor little mites were once loved and had homes.” Jenny Clarke APAA’s President talks from experience.
“Can you imagine what it is like to be suddenly abandoned? Our friends, ARA, have not only helped but go beyond the call of duty.” With so many tragic stories to tell, it is little wonder that ARA’s ‘Cabanita’ outside of Loulé is a magical mystical world for abandoned animals. Animal Rescue Algarve’s purpose-built shelter houses many recovering abandoned dogs and cats. A human community staffing, caring in a loving atmosphere. João Ferreira has no doubts. “All the animals get a fair chance. Some very badly damaged, not always physically.” He has a small pack of his own severely damaged pets. Bonded.
Sid Richardson’s ‘Legacy’ project has taken off, around the Algarve. People now realise that their own beloved pets can become tragically entangled in the mess of illness and death within a family. “A simple form, which declares the pet(s) details is lodged with us, here at ARA. Together with the information of an appointed ‘Guardian’. When need be, they contact us and we take charge of the situation. Vet check, micro-chipped, and re-homed here in ‘Cabanita’ until a new forever home can be found.” Sid is a practical businessman and animal lover with several of his own pets to care for. The team at ARA is dedicated to ensuring that re-homing is meticulously carried out, with new parental checks, as it were. Accommodation, bedding, feeding. Exercise. Care for post-injuries. Emotional and mental welfare. All considered. As the quotation goes ‘My home is heaven. I’m just travelling through this world.’ (Billy Graham).

APAA’s final Pop-Up on Friday 28th June 12-3pm. ‘The Garden’ Portimão, is known for its special gourmet style Vegan & Vegetarian Snacks, and pastries. Glorious Goodies, jewellery, sunshine gifts.
Charity shops at Alvor and Silves, are always full to busting with bargains and goodies throughout the year. Check out Alvor’s new boutique-style makeover. Summer clothes galore. All funds raised are for SNiP (Spaying & Neutering Programme), for feral cat colonies and abandoned dogs. If you want to help, with money-raising charitable ideas for events, near you. Don’t just think about it. Please, pick up your phone, and drop them an email. “We love to have new faces to join team APAA. Every second you give counts.
APAA Jenny:
Cat colonies:
Full information ARA ‘Legacy For Pets’: Élia
ARA Website :