As a finalist student of Law, Jéssica Brissos, 21, decided to “find a mechanism” that would allow her to show the work developed “across the graduation. All this combined with an interest in labour law and a passion for investigation. Jéssica, admitted to The Portugal News, that as soon she found the opportunity to publish an article in “a renowned juridical magazine”, the student knew that there would be some work to do.
The article’s focus is the “civil responsibility of the employer in case of” an accident that occurred during labour time. Throughout the article, it is also possible to understand the employer's role and “the necessary criteria and obligation of damage repair, which the victim worker has the right to.”
To write the article, Jéssica Brissos' method was the consultation of the materials provided on the course of Labour Law as well as the advoce of a professor that orientated the students’ work during the investigation and writing process.
With the writing of the article, Jéssica aimed to experience the “investigation reality” in the Law field as well as creating something to help her to feel fulfilled. With the article published on ISMAT, Jéssica Brissos will make her knowledge and capacities known in a magazine that may be read all over the country, establishing it as a “debut” that will help in future academic life.
Deeply in love with music and with a guilty pleasure in criminal cases, Bruno G. Santos decided to study Journalism and Communication, hoping to combine both passions into writing. The journalist is also a passionate traveller who likes to write about other cultures and discover the various hidden gems from Portugal and the world. Press card: 8463.

This is the difference between ppl who do things just for secondary rewards(degree for sake of money/status) and ppl with a vocation: well done, Jéssica Brissos, nothing beats intrinsic motivation.
By guida from Lisbon on 03 Mar 2022, 06:26
Might want to look at New Zealand and the ACC, and keep the best interest of the victim paramount ,as opposed to the best interest of the lawyer.
By John from Alentejo on 04 Mar 2022, 08:01