As faithful readers will know, the canil has been renovated and reopened recently (November of last year).
Unfortunately not all is as it should be, for the animals and the people working there.
Complaints have been made to the Câmara and the contractor, but for the time being there's still trouble in paradise.
The new dog kennels have been made such that the rain comes in and keeps the floors wet until the canil workers come in the morning to mop and clean. Dog houses on pallets have been placed there by the volunteers of Friends of Canil de Portimão (FCP). But ideally, we would like to hang sun shades outside against the kennels so the rain will have less chance of getting in, and also in summer, it would keep the kennels cooler.

As the money that comes in from various sources (câmara, donations, membership subscriptions) only goes so far for vet costs, medications, etc., we have nothing to spare for sun shades.
Especially these days the vet/medication costs are very high, as we have many old dogs coming in.
If anyone has sunshades they don’t use anymore or would like to donate them or money to buy them, we at FCP would be ever so grateful. The picture shows you what we are looking for. Shades that can be attached by ropes. Any size bigger than 2x3 m.

Volunteers to walk the dogs at the canil or help and walk the puppies at Puppyland are always welcome.
Friends of Canil de Portimãoi are grateful for any help they can get!
For all of the above, please contact Scarlett at
ADOPT. if you can't adopt, FOSTER. if you can't foster, SPONSOR. if you can't sponsor, VOLUNTEER. if you can't volunteer, DONATE. if you can't donate, EDUCATE.