At issue, according to leader Manuela Niza, is the maintenance of leadership positions from the former SEF, which was wound up in October 2023, in the current AIMA, ignoring that the organization also includes powers from the former High Commissioner for Migration (ACM).

“Leaving these people in management positions without a public exam is a shot in the foot for the institution itself,” said Manuela Niza, who met a week ago with the AIMA management, representing the STM.

“We informed the management that there was currently a climate of nepotism and despotism at AIMA”, which had a “poorly executed and poorly planned” process in its creation following the extinction of ACM and SEF.

For the hierarchical organisation of AIMA “there was no type of competition, people’s capacity was not taken into account” and a model was created that maintains the administrative tradition of SEF itself, accused of not having the reception of immigrants as its focus.

On the other hand, unlike what happened before, where technicians did everything, now the structure is divided between employees who “provide customer service and the others who only provide instructions” on processes.

This “creates problems with the fluidity of service”, accused Manuela Niza.

In a letter sent to employees, the STM management explained that it expressed, at the meeting on January 9, to the AIMA management “the discomfort” of the workers, also contesting that the union still does not have access to the list of employees or to an institutional email.

At the meeting, the STM requested the reinstatement of the “shortage allowance withdrawn from employees” and the “allowance for settling in the Madeira and Azores archipelagos”, also contesting the “way in which resources are being mobilised” for the Mission Structure.

At the meeting, the union informed AIMA management that it had asked the supervisory authority to “create a special career” for those working in migration.

“Paradoxically, our Board of Directors did not seem very enthusiastic about the hypothesis, for reasons that, frankly, we do not understand”, concluded the STM.